New year, new beans.


Happy New Year you lovely bunch, it’s time to bid farewell to 2014, GET LOST 2014 NOBODY CARES ABOUT YOU ANYMORE, now it’s all about 2015, although let’s spend a tiny bit of time talking about 2014, because it was pretty good and all..

We made our first TV series and it’s now been shown on channels in Sheffield, Leeds, Bristol, Cardiff and Newcastle, we programmed festival stages, we raised £2500 for Peace in the Park and Sharrow Festival, we bagged a weekly radio show on Sheffield Live 93.2FM, started a new comedy column in Now Then Magazine, put on some storming parties, performed at the Musical Comedy Awards, booked plenty of gigs/tours for our lovely Cool Beans Management acts and made a whole heap of new friends! Even Ham Pocket had a good time with people showing up to their gigs. That’s how good 2014 was, even things went well for Ham Pocket - undoubtedly one of the worst bands in musical history.

Ham Pocket - one of the worst bands in musical history

But now as we turn to 2015 it’s time to look ahead, it’s time for the new, it’s time for the fresh. And it doesn’t get much fresher than SOME BRAND NEW RADIO SHOW SLOTS!

Yes the Cool Beans Radio Show is moving! It’s now on a Monday afternoon at 2PM. Still on Sheffield Live 93.2FM and still as rocking as ever.

But get this - there’s more!

Chris is taking on another radio slot, every Wednesday morning 7AM - 9AM will be the Sheffield Uprising show, also on Sheffield Live 93.2FM! It’ll be just like the Cool Beans Radio Show, but earlier. And we’ll talk about the weather more.

Tell your mothers and your brothers!

Cheers to all who made 2014 such a good time, in particular the mighty Cool Beans TV production team. Speaking of TV, we might be back with some new stuff that end as well, watch this space!

Space - watch it.

